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lunes, 13 de agosto de 2007



About Online Sessions

there are a lot of positive, and also negative aspects in online
sessions, i think it is a good idea, becuase you improve your
writting, you can learn more about a topic throught the sharing with
your classmates, and the comfort that the online sessions offer to you
by doing at home. the negative aspect is that, fisrtable you have to
be prepare, what do i mean with being prepare?, well, to be
familirized using emails in this context, why? because we lose a lot
of time, trying to understand what do we have to do, and waiting for
the other classmates, and to organize our ideas....

Session 1

According to my opinion i agree with the idea of improving skills,
avoiding traditional classes, and feeling more comfortable in
expressing themselves in writing. but everything has its pros and
cons related to the quielities of the students , the time that it
requires, having acess to a computer and a modem, the commitment on
the student and the resposibility that it requires.

As well as being important to better the opportunities for working
people, it is to receive not an easier education, but a really good
one. not forgeting the quility of studies.

related to the online text chat i think it is a really good idea for
those people who feel more comfortable expressing themselves, and
giving their own opinions throught writing, besides improving the
limited writing abilities...

Session 2

1) how could we use them into the classroom?

we could use them for receiving and sending assigments,for sharing
worthwhile information, to establish organization in order to make
virtual meetings for example, or to maintain the conection with your
classmates, and so on, we could also use them to be evaluated.

2) what benefits and shortcomings do you see using emails?

in my case, i find really hard to cope with the fact of sending
emails to solve problems, to meet with my classmates, and to do
homeworks by internet, i hate it. because sometimes when we are not
familiarized using emails we lose too much time trying to do an
assigntment, even when you have internet at home,because it requires
of commitment, but it carries some benefits, like the improvement
of writting, and the development of compositions.. that helps a lot,
besides the comfort of doing your homework at home and not having to
go to the uc to give the homework to your professors. it´s an easier

3) what sort of activities would you implement in the subject modulo
de competencias comunicativas III with emailing?

besides of ansewering questions, or making compositions, i would
implement activities with sounds, chating with your classmates,
but also interviews on line, its a good idea...

4) what academic benefits would emailing brings to you?

as i said before, the improvement of writting, because that is one
of the things that we should practice a lot, and also the
improvement of reading, and the visual support which we dont have in

5)do we accept email rules nowadays?

í dare nobody knew (before reading) the emails rules. and therefore
nobody accept the email rules, i have read a little bit of email
rules, about not sending chains, because you could create an spam ,
and thouse things like laws, but no one respect that!

Session 3

1) Based on "Engaging Digital Natives" :

a) Are teachers prepared to incorporating ICT (information communication technology) in ELT (English language teaching)?

In english language speaking is rarely found a professor using the digital language of computers, such as video games, instantaneous communication, and the internet; in general.
In order to teach the language, most of the teachers prefer to give classes in the traditional way.
But i think that making a change in their way of teaching; through using the creativity to prepare an animated class using the technology. It´s really helpfull to involve all of their students.

b) What do teachers have to do in order to cope with their students using ICT?
Firstable, they should have enough patience with the students, besides they should also be enough prepared in ICT, and they should be at the same level of digital natives (the students) , because is quite difficult to teach any subject like english language speaking, using update tools connected to the technology; without knowing how to use them.

c) List the different terms used in the "Engaging Digital Natives"
Digital natives
Digital inmigrants
Web 2.0
Colletive intelligence

2) Based on "Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom"

a) Which tools are mentioned?
Rss, Blog, podcasting, wiki, flickr, youtube, flock, del.icio.us

b) Which tools would you start implementing into a classroom?

I would implement a blog, because it shows the personal space of the students and it allows them to share information, personal ideas, and knowledge. And it´s an important communication and publishing tool.
I would also implement a de.licio.us, because it´s a sotial bookmarking tool, and it´s really funny to share bookmarks using your creativity.

c) Would these tools be effective in a language classroom?

Yes, if we know how to use them and if we focus on the motivation of the student , if we make an effort to be creative we must make a langueage class efective!!!

d)List the different terms used in "Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom"

  • publishing
  • defining
  • read-write
  • creativity
  • knowledge
  • wiki
  • publicity
  • sharing
  • scholarship
  • podcasting
  • blogging
  • RSS
  • feedback
  • education
  • information
  • gaming
  • learning
  • multimedia
  • de.licio.us
  • connecting
  • Motivator

Session 4

What is your opinion about using Blogs?

For me It´s an amazing tool use to improve reading and writting in a funny way, because you can use your imagination for adding information through colloring the space, animating the texts with pictures, audio, music... etc. And it reflects my personal space..

Setting up a blog has been an incredible experience!!!

What do you find most difficult about blogging?

Organizing the different inputs and trying to make the slide-shows for adding pictures, and using the other tools for adding animation to my personal blog.

From the other students' blogs, which one you like most? Why?

What i like the most is orana´s blog, because she shows her amazing creativity, and Marian´s because it is the most interesting, it keep your eye on it, and Eleana´s too, because is very collorfull. And mine because is gourgeous, and is the most original, it cares another information. Check it out www.vanecho.blogspot.com

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